Learn German – the language of Mozart, Bach, and Beethoven; and grasp the competitive business edge that German will give you globally
Rs. 10,000.00
People that speak German as their native language exceeds any other language in Europe. Germany is also the most populous country in Europe.
Learning German can connect you to more than 120 million native speakers around the world, and many people also learn German as a second language. It is one of the most popular languages taught worldwide.
How will learning German benefit you in business?
Germany has the third largest economy in the world, and they have been the leaders for exports for 5 consecutive years.
With our German A1.1 Microlearning Course, you can:
• Make basic conversation and greetings
• Answer phone calls in a proper manner (phone etiquette)
• Present Simple
• W and wh words
• Complete the alphabet
• Recognize the sound/spelling relationship for short vowels and consonants
• Describe time, days and weeks
• Countries, languages and nationalities
• Jobs and personal details
• Describe family and friends
• Food and drink
• My favorites
• Verb conjugations
Rs. 10,000.00
Course features:
41 Lessons
Full Lifetime Access
Available on Web
Certificate of completion
666 Enrolled